Polkagrisen – Beastfly
So by request from a couple of readers i will try to do this SBS in english. Long time ago i wrote something in english so i apologize already now for the grammar.
This fly is a so called Beast fly, inspired by the awesome fly-tier Gunnar Brammer. The tail is build by a lot of small pieces of XL tubes that you attach to your hook with a wire. In this one i use five small tubes on the wire and i tie it on a Vision Big daddy hook in size 6/0. I usually tie my pike flies on size 4/0 but when you tie a Beast fly i usually go up a size.
Each section is separated with two beads. Two tips is to use a strong thread as always with pike flies i use Textreme 100 denier. Next tip is to use superglue it will make the fly more durable. You don´t need a lot of different materials, i use bucktail, ripple ice fiber, polar flash, flashabou and SF blend. But you gonna ned a lot of bucktail!
So here we go!
- Start with a XL tube. I heat up the needle for a few seconds before i mount the tube so it will stay on the needle better.
2. Tie in a small bunch bucktail, be sure that you cover the hole tube around with bucktail.
3. Now we use the awesome material from Flydressing, ripple ice fiber.
4. Before finish of the fly, make sure to use superglue. Now part one is finished. I cut the tube of just before the head. Tie one more exactly like this one. The tubes should be about 4-5 cm long. Use the rest of the tube for the next parts.
5. For the third piece i tie in the bucktail ”reverse style” to get the right volume
6. Use hair clamps to force the bucktail backwards while you build up the head for the right angle.
7. This is the angle I’m looking for.
8. Now i take few strands of polarflash
9. Then i finish off with ripple ice fiber in the color red. Bulid up a little head and superglue. Now repeat step 5-9 three to four times depending on how long you want your fly.
Here we have the pieces to my tail of the fly
Now you need beads and wire.
10. Normally i have a fast attach here so i can attach a wiggle tail. Unfortunately i hadn’t anyone at home so i did like this instead. This i do to ”lock” the wire. Fold the wire on the middle and push down the bead to hold it together.
11. Attach the first of your tail pieces.
12. Slide down two beads.
13. Keep repeating this until you have all your pieces on the wire.
14. Now its time for the hook.
15. First i lay a base of thread at the hook bend and 2-3 cm forward. Then i tie in the wire, i take two beads between the hook and the tail so it have som room for movement.
16. I fold the wire and pull it through the beads. Put thread all over the wire so you close it in firmly. Then superglue.
17. Now it’s time to build up the body on the hook. Build in a bunch of bucktail that covers the hook all around.
18. This is the angle I want. Now i tie in polarflash and ripple ice fiber like I did on the tail.
19. Keep doing sections like this on the body.
20. When I have about 2 cm left to the hook eye I make the last section with white bucktail.
21. Here I tie in some white flashabou and polarflash.
22. For the last section of bucktail I use red colour.
23. For the head I use Steve Farrar blend in the colour red.
24. A pikefly must have eyes in my opinion. So choose the colour you want. I use superglue to attach the eyes.
25. It’s done !
The fly from another angle.
I hope you like it and the colour combination you can choose after your own taste and opinion.
Tight Lines.